Got X, Got It All

The S.O asked me a couple of weeks back if I wanted to attend the XBerry party at Republic, Sunway. Of course I said yes. 😀 And so, we got invited.

Celcom was launching their first Blackberry Prepaid here in Malaysia and the plans are offered together with the Blackberry Curve 8520. Oh! And it was only going for RM 888 too! I was hoping to get my hands on one. But sadly, no such luck. 🙁 I’m envious of all the other bloggers who got the Blackberry. 🙁 (Okay la, to be fair, they were gonna do an advertorial. :P)


Anyway, we were a little late, and parking was a b*tch. The S.O signed us in and we chatted with a guy named David. Who works for Nuffnang. *waves* Actually, I saw a couple of familiar faces there that night. Cheesie aka Ring aka Rin from Cheeserland, Cindy (from !st Malaysian Dreamgirls), Sazzy Falak who MC-ed that night, Joe Flizzow performed and a photographer who snapped a picture of me last year at MIFA. Oh! And Serge was there too (dustyhawk).

girls, Girls, GIRLS!
girls, Girls, GIRLS!
Cindy & Cheesie
Cindy & Cheesie
Beat boxer
Beat boxer

There was this dude who beat boxed and omgwtfbbq, he did it incredibly well! It was hard to believe that such sounds came out of such a tiny fella. :O Then there was a performance by Arabyrd, which I thought was interesting. Just might get the album once it’s out. 😀

Joe Flizzow
Joe Flizzow
Lucku draw
Lucky draw

There was a lucky draw that night as well, but I think it didn’t go as well as planned because no one claimed their prizes. So Joe Flizzow decided to wing it by picking random people and had them battle it out via rapping. In the end, the winner was this girl.




Later that night, DJ LapSap spun some tunes but I think the crowd were too busy chugging down their beer to really appreciate it. 🙁 But all in all, it was an interesting night. Got to meet some new people. 🙂 But you know what would make the night all the sweeter? My very own Blackberry. Hehehe…

Pictures hijacked from the S.O. 🙂