New kids & other stuff

My doll family grew quite a bit over the past year and I neglected to update, just cos I was busy. *gomen* I’ve decided to put up Mori (my soom grit/Impl hybrid) for sale, and it was a bit of…
My doll family grew quite a bit over the past year and I neglected to update, just cos I was busy. *gomen* I’ve decided to put up Mori (my soom grit/Impl hybrid) for sale, and it was a bit of…
I’m sorry for the lack of updates. Things just got so busy with the whole new job, getting married thing that I just didn’t think to stop and write, although there have been a lot of action going on on…
12 years. They say time heals all pain, but I guess 12 years just isn’t even enough for me to even smile about it. It really hurts when someone who is suppose to care for you & love you unconditionally…
I will make time for myself to do some soul searching. I will make time to travel. I will learn to be more independant. I will stop and smell the roses sometimes. I will try to not stress about the small…
I know it’s been a while since my last post. I haven’t really felt the need to write down my thoughts until recently. I’ve completely my beginner 1 lesson in Japanese and in the midst of starting beginner 2. So…
Do you ever get that feeling of being sad for no apparent reason? Maybe it’s just me, but I realize this often happens when I’m all by myself. I guess being alone allows me some time to think about everything…
I really do wonder how did I survive without the internet. 🙂 It’s such an incredible tool! Anyway, I’m saying this because I got to Skype with my cousins who are far away in Japan. Plus, I got to make…
It’s finally over! Final assessment is out of the way. Now to wait for graduation. :O It’s really hard to believe that 3 years just went by so quickly. It’s even harder to believe that I’m GRADUATING! It really seems…
Danny and I celebrated our 8th anniversary on the 11th June 2011. It was also the day that he decided to propose to me. 🙂 The proposal wasn’t really super romantic, but I guess it was romantic enough for me.…
Look what Mori got.