Busy Bee

Omg! I’m incredibly swamped with work. Whoever thinks that the life of a fashion student is easy is completely wrong.

I have 120 pieces of ink drawing to be done and handed in next Wednesday. Also, a fashion journal to update with the research for my project.

I have to compile a history of Fashion, which I’ve yet to do. I also have to buy some clothes and do a re-invention for my Pattern class. It’s an end of semester work which kinda turned big scaled. Gonna have a fashion show in December.

I’ve also got to come up with 2 fabric samples for my major fashion show in March. =.=” We’ve got to produce sketches for the garments as well. So, I’ll be a tad busy for a while but will hope to continue updating my blog as often as I can. It’s a little too early for me to go on a hiatus just yet.

So, don’t leave me just yet. 🙂 Will update with pictures of my work progress when I can.