Lee Min Ho’s autograph session was today. I was there, watching from afar cos of the massive sea of fans surrounding the concourse/stage area. Seriously, they should have organized it at another mall. 🙁 The place was stuffy and overcrowded with fan girls & random bypassers alike (read: the 38 type)
So I arrived at Sungei Wang at around 3pm. The crowd was already there. Did some shopping for my college stuff, but my heart was feeling restless. This kinda brought back some memories for me. I was once a fan girl. XD
I couldn’t get a glimpse of Lee Min Ho-sshi. 🙁 All possible viewing spots were taken; all the way to the highest floor. Some people even resorting to going up and down the escalators just to get a glimpse of him. =.=” Anyway, the S.O came with his trusty camera to take pictures for me. 😀
We had nowhere to stand so in the end, he managed to squeeze in together with some people at Coffee Bean. XD I had to get a drink since I felt bad that we were hijacking their space. I’m not that thick-skinned. 😛 Anyway, fanbase was massive and you could hear them chanting his name. :O
Honestly, I kinda forgot what he looked liked for a second. =.=” I think he looks the same as he does in the drama, though probably with less makeup on, cos the S.O said his face was shiny. O.o Even the demi-gods get a little shine now and then. 😀 So anyway, here’s my lousy(ly) taken picture as I was coming down the escalator. Shitty thing was, I didn’t realize the flash was on forced-off, hence the completely blurry picture. T_T

On a non Lee Min Ho related note, look what I bought! I saw this really cool looking ring and instantly knew that I had to get it. I love Love LOVE it! It’s kinda like one of those Egyptian gods. 😀 Won’t reveal the price cos if the S.O ever found out, I’d probably be banned from shopping alone ever again! (for lack of self control and buying no college related stuff. XD)

Anyway, was re-watching Lee Min Ho’s Dunkin Donut ad. *dies happy* I LOVE HIS SMILE! He has a really incredible smile. I did get to see it, but it wasn’t for a very long time. 🙁 I want to see more of Min Ho. One thing I didn’t like, the bow tie. It looks so weird. >.< Maybe cos he was wearing one in the Etude House promo poster, but seriously? Did he need to wear one during a fan meet as well? *pouts* Either way, he’s still cute. XD
Edit: Yippee… my pictures are back. 🙂 Also, my lecturer said that my ring looked like something from a cult. =.=”