Fashion Mayhem

Been busy so I don’t really have time for a proper update. 🙁

I can’t believe that the 3rd of December is NEXT WEEK! Omfg! I’m not too worried about the garments cos that’s already done. What I’m worried about is getting the music done on time. =.=” Gotta hand it in on Monday. Rehearsals are on Tuesday in the fashion room and the dry run is on Wednesday. Meh, I haven’t even found a dress/top/psychedelic outfit for the day.

Got tons of work that still needs to be done, but as usual, I’m procrastinating.

Will be attending the Yahoo party tomoro – IF I get the purple tag. I reaaaaaaalllly WANT the blackberry, and with that tag, I will be in the running to get it. 🙁 So if I don’t get the purple tag, Imma just gonna go home and sulk about it. 😛 *crosses fingers* I wanna win, I wanna win, I wanna win!

Okay, I’m gonna head off to bed now. Got an early class tomoro and then I have to help my lecturer with his eye makeup for an annual dinner. 😀