MOS & Williams

I’ve been doing fashion illustration with ink wash. It’s not easy. 🙁 Somehow, my ink wash seems to look like ink splatters. 🙁

I feel dejected.

I’ve got another 100 more to go. *sigh*

Anyway, last night I attended the Ministry of Sound – Euphoria’s 1st Anniversary with the S.O. They were having free flow of alcohol from 9pm – 11pm. I haven’t drank in a very long time. -.-” All I had that night was a Turborg. It wasn’t very happening. DJ Dave Seaman was suppose to spin that night, but even as we were about to leave, the place was still pretty bleh.

No one was dancing on the dance floor, and there was this weird character on stilts going around doing random dances and gyrating on the stairs. Xp So yea, our more “happening” party was at Williams. Had my usual cheese naan, but I think I’ll order the Mozzarella Cheese Ham Naan.

It was yummeh.