I’ve been neglecting my blog, I know. 🙁
It’s just cos I’ve been busy with my assignments and sewing my dress(es), that I’ve got no time or the energy to blog. Sad, I know. Even when I do have free time, it’s either to catch up on sleep or to finish whatever work I have before the next one piles on.
Not to mention there’s this big drama going on. Seriously, some people should just admit their lapse in judgment and not put the blame on everyone else. It’s because of this, there’s tension in the air and it’s so not funny. I just want to live a quiet peaceful life. I mean, sure, drama can be good, but in moderate. >.<
Major misunderstandings, finger pointing and table turning. *sigh* This stupid thing is also causing me to emo up a little. Makes me wanna scream, “Shithead! You’re not getting it!” But I can’t, and I won’t. Just because I don’t want to start an unnecessary war. Unless boundaries are crossed, then hell yea.
So yea, it’s been a shitty week, apart from the day where I got to meet a FB friend. I know, you might think I’m absolutely batshit for meeting up with a complete stranger, but we’ve chat online, talked on Skype and he didn’t seem like a psychopath. XD Plus, he was in town anyway. Funny thing, we went shopping. LoL. And after that the S.O and I brought him out for chili crabs. Yum. It was a short meet though I’m glad I did it.