Took a break from doing my assignments yesterday and ended up knitting something fairly random. Knitting is something fun to do and I was extremely excited in starting a mini project. I knitted a scarf.
Not just any scarf, mind you. A scarf for BJDs. 😀 Since I didn’t own any at the moment, I decided to knit one for Azure (Jin’s little boy). Funnily enough, I decided on a blue yarn before I knew it was Azure’s favourite color. :3 Took me a while to knit it and as I went along, I kinda got bored of the whole repetitive-ness of it and my hands started cramping up. =.=” But it’s finished!
I’m pretty proud of myself. *super proud* It’s a little messed up, but I guess it isn’t all that obvious. (I hope). So without stalling any further, here are the pictures of the finished product. I think Mr. Resin Head looks dashing in it. 😉

For some odd reason, he seems a little temperamental. 🙁 Think it’s cos he’s been stuck in the box for too long.

Okay. So that’s it for my little project. 🙂 Am gonna try to learn how to make a sweater next. 😀
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