Achy Breaky
First of all…Happy New Year! (although I’m 6 days late. :P) Been pretty busy with tons of stuff… namely internship, working part-time, running about…etc. My feet are killing me this moment. I stood for 8 hours straight, sat down for…
First of all…Happy New Year! (although I’m 6 days late. :P) Been pretty busy with tons of stuff… namely internship, working part-time, running about…etc. My feet are killing me this moment. I stood for 8 hours straight, sat down for…
I need to think of things to update. I think my brain has probably turned into goo. =.=” Gotta sleep in the “guest room” surrounded by tons of stuff cos they’re still doing up our room. Our toilet is none…
I heard the postman earlier and rushed downstairs to get the mail (since he honked his horn, I assumed it was a large package) but was only handed a bunch or regular mails (and one which I had to sign…
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I would rather knit than to study for an exam that doesn’t make much sense. =.=” *geram* Damn tired too, since I only got home about an hour ago. *sigh* Screw this shit la.
I cannot stand it when people attempt to act cute. *vomits* Your head looks big and your whole face looks photoshopped. >:( No time for proper update. Took pictures, but got lazy to actually upload them. Just wanted to rant…
I’ve been neglecting my blog, I know. 🙁 It’s just cos I’ve been busy with my assignments and sewing my dress(es), that I’ve got no time or the energy to blog. Sad, I know. Even when I do have free…
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You know what? I truly do believe that I’ve jinx myself. It all started when I said I haven’t fallen sick while I was in China. Ta-da! The very next day I started to have the sniffles. A very nice…
Something is making both Firefox and Safari hang! Every single time I open a website or attempt to play Country Story on FB, it hangs on me. T_T Not only that, I can’t even access my gmail! WTF! I suspect…