Category Life

The Day Before Monday

I’m trying to get into the habit of blogging with pictures, cos everyone knows that text-only blogs are usually a bore. 😛 Didn’t do much this lazy Sunday. Woke up around 10am, showered, and got ready to head out the…

Random facts and cereal

Face it, I’m probably one of the most random person you’ll ever meet on the face of the planet. I tend to spew some incredibly random stuff during conversations, that some times others don’t even know what I’m talking bout.…

What happened to me?

I was wondering in the shower, whatever happened to the old me? The one who used to chat with everyone. The one who couldn’t sit still for a moment, constantly itching to get out of the house to meet up…

Colored Berries

I remember my very first phone. It was a Seimens that only had a small window for a screen and squishy translucent keypads. I was probably 16 then. Previously I had to share an old phone with my mom and…

My first post on WordPress!

Oh hai! I’m trying to get back into the habit of blogging, just for the sake of recording my ever wandering thoughts. I’m not a very witty writer and most of my posts may contain random 1 liners or a…