

I'm Ariel and am known to be pretty random at times. Loves makeup, cute stuff and hanging out with the people I love dearly.

Fashion Mayhem

Been busy so I don’t really have time for a proper update. šŸ™ I can’t believe that the 3rd of December is NEXT WEEK! Omfg! I’m not too worried about the garments cos that’s already done. What I’m worried aboutā€¦

3rd time’s the charm

Funny, just after being featured on Tongue in Chic, we were featured again in News Straits Times. šŸ™‚ I think it was the section called Streets and it was on the New Zone fashion show about a month back. =.=”ā€¦


Well, not literally. I was one of the featured few in Tongue in Chic’s Where and Wear. Woohoo! So excited (and kinda jakun) since I haven’t be featured in anything before. šŸ˜› Thank goodness my toes didn’t look hideous. XDā€¦

Tongue in Chic

Went to Zouk, KL today to redeem my YOUREKA! goodies. This time they were giving away 2 passes to watch 2012. I was hoping to get the purple tag, but instead I got the blue tags. šŸ™ Boo! The nextā€¦

Me wants Berry

Watched “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” today. It was so-so. Wasn’t really what I expected, and the lines weren’t all funny. Anyway, my desire to own a Blackberry has resurfaced! Actually, I don’t think it ever went away. Butā€¦

It’s a Friday!

In a blink of an eye, it’s FRIDAY! Had a presentation for Malaysian Studies too. Was jittery cos I wasn’t really well prepared. XD I’ve gotta hand in 2 moodboards for my 70’s show on Monday. Gotta finish my fabricā€¦

Can I just fast foward?

Okay, I’m gonna let the cat out of the bag. I’M GOING TO CHINA! I’m not being deported, okay. =.=” Since the ticket’s been booked, nothing would go wrong, right? *prays* Honestly, China never really appealed to me much. Iā€¦


There are a lot of things that makes me annoyed, but to list them all would probably make me seem anal. So, I shall list the top 5 most annoying in no particular order.

Jinxed Minx

Ever wonder how things never go exactly as planned? I’ve always felt that whenever I get over excited (say about a trip) and tell someone about it, it never seems to happen in the end. Why is that? I sometimesā€¦

To travel in Time

I read the Time Traveller’s Wife last night and I couldn’t put it down. My vision became blurry and I felt as though I became crossed eyed. =.=” And, I just completed it just now. Honestly, I was a littleā€¦