Tag rants

It’s official…

…that Fashion students have NO SOCIAL LIFE. =.=” Unless you’re the kind that has fun now and suffer later. Today my lecturer dumped 800 drawings on us. 800!!!!! Eight freaking hundred drawings!!!! Okay, to be fair, we got less compared…

Me wants Berry

Watched “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” today. It was so-so. Wasn’t really what I expected, and the lines weren’t all funny. Anyway, my desire to own a Blackberry has resurfaced! Actually, I don’t think it ever went away. But…


There are a lot of things that makes me annoyed, but to list them all would probably make me seem anal. So, I shall list the top 5 most annoying in no particular order.

MOS & Williams

I’ve been doing fashion illustration with ink wash. It’s not easy. 🙁 Somehow, my ink wash seems to look like ink splatters. 🙁 I feel dejected. I’ve got another 100 more to go. *sigh* Anyway, last night I attended the…

Stressed out

I think I have a problem. When I get stressed out, I tend to munch. But only when I’m REALLY stressed out. I bought 3 cookies from Subway today. Subway’s healthy, right? I kinda like their oatmeal & raisin cookie…