Category randoms

MOS & Williams

I’ve been doing fashion illustration with ink wash. It’s not easy. šŸ™ Somehow, my ink wash seems to look like ink splatters. šŸ™ I feel dejected. I’ve got another 100 more to go. *sigh* Anyway, last night I attended theā€¦

Stressed out

I think I have a problem. When I get stressed out, I tend to munch. But only when I’m REALLY stressed out. I bought 3 cookies from Subway today. Subway’s healthy, right? I kinda like their oatmeal & raisin cookieā€¦

Out of breath

So much to do, so little time. I am incredibly BUSY from now till…the rest of my life! Haha, nah… probably till April 2010 BUT busy none the less. I’ve got a wedding to attend in December. Shit! This makesā€¦

Random facts and cereal

Face it, I’m probably one of the most random person you’ll ever meet on the face of the planet. I tend to spew some incredibly random stuff during conversations, that some times others don’t even know what I’m talking bout.ā€¦

Campfire stories

Had fashion illustration class today with the “new” lecturer. It was alright. We drew lots of faces, eyes and lips. S.O says my drawings have been improving after showing him what I’ve done in class. *feels proud* On another note,ā€¦

It’s 11am…somewhere in the world

Classes starts tomoro. šŸ™ Not really looking forward to all the work. As much as I like making things and watching it take shape, I sometimes can’t bear to sew. Okay, maybe the sewing is fine, but I do notā€¦

Colored Berries

I remember my very first phone. It was a Seimens that only had a small window for a screen and squishy translucent keypads. I was probably 16 then. Previously I had to share an old phone with my mom andā€¦

Overdose on cuteness

Doing some random blog surfing when I should be doing homework! Came across this really interesting blog called bee creative and noticed the cute shirts! I want one too~ :O Also, been surfing through J-list and OMG! I WANT thoseā€¦