Category rants

Me wants Berry

Watched “Cloudy with a chance of meatballs” today. It was so-so. Wasn’t really what I expected, and the lines weren’t all funny. Anyway, my desire to own a Blackberry has resurfaced! Actually, I don’t think it ever went away. But…


There are a lot of things that makes me annoyed, but to list them all would probably make me seem anal. So, I shall list the top 5 most annoying in no particular order.

Holiday Schmoliday

I feel so much more relieved that I’m finally done with my fabrication. *happy sigh* But I have a lot of work left to do. o.O I have ANOTHER 120 pieces of drawing homework to do, a moodboard to prepare,…

MOS & Williams

I’ve been doing fashion illustration with ink wash. It’s not easy. 🙁 Somehow, my ink wash seems to look like ink splatters. 🙁 I feel dejected. I’ve got another 100 more to go. *sigh* Anyway, last night I attended the…

Busy Bee

Omg! I’m incredibly swamped with work. Whoever thinks that the life of a fashion student is easy is completely wrong. I have 120 pieces of ink drawing to be done and handed in next Wednesday. Also, a fashion journal to…

Stressed out

I think I have a problem. When I get stressed out, I tend to munch. But only when I’m REALLY stressed out. I bought 3 cookies from Subway today. Subway’s healthy, right? I kinda like their oatmeal & raisin cookie…