I want to be a time traveller
I got a pleasant surprise from the S.O when I got home today. 🙂 I didn’t even notice this sitting on my bed.
I got a pleasant surprise from the S.O when I got home today. 🙂 I didn’t even notice this sitting on my bed.
Edit: Videos uploaded. Have more readership! Hahaha… just joking. Just got back from Digi Music Live with All American Rejects! Pictures after the jump.
The S.O and I went out to Meatworks last night to celebrate a friend’s birthday. It’s somewhere in Solaris and it was my first time there. I like the whole ambiance of the place – very white, minimalist I would…
Woke up early today and had to get ready for class. Contemplated on the Subway breakfast or Roti Canai. Subway was too tempting. =.=” I had their cheese and egg sub and probably it was a bad idea to have…
I feel so much more relieved that I’m finally done with my fabrication. *happy sigh* But I have a lot of work left to do. o.O I have ANOTHER 120 pieces of drawing homework to do, a moodboard to prepare,…
Lee Min Ho’s autograph session was today. I was there, watching from afar cos of the massive sea of fans surrounding the concourse/stage area. Seriously, they should have organized it at another mall. 🙁 The place was stuffy and overcrowded…
Ugh. I feel like crap right now. Didn’t feel well this morning, so I skipped class. My head was throbbing and my lips dry. Tried to sleep in but I couldn’t cos I needed to pee. -.-” And once I…
Omg omg omg~! *goes crazy fan girl mode* Lee Min Ho oppa is coming to town. 😀 I wanna go and scream, (in my heart) “Min-Ho oppa, saranghe~!” <3<3 For those who are pretty oblivious to what I’m talking about,…
I’ve been doing fashion illustration with ink wash. It’s not easy. 🙁 Somehow, my ink wash seems to look like ink splatters. 🙁 I feel dejected. I’ve got another 100 more to go. *sigh* Anyway, last night I attended the…
Omg! I’m incredibly swamped with work. Whoever thinks that the life of a fashion student is easy is completely wrong. I have 120 pieces of ink drawing to be done and handed in next Wednesday. Also, a fashion journal to…