Stressed out
I think I have a problem. When I get stressed out, I tend to munch. But only when I’m REALLY stressed out. I bought 3 cookies from Subway today. Subway’s healthy, right? I kinda like their oatmeal & raisin cookie…
I think I have a problem. When I get stressed out, I tend to munch. But only when I’m REALLY stressed out. I bought 3 cookies from Subway today. Subway’s healthy, right? I kinda like their oatmeal & raisin cookie…
So much to do, so little time. I am incredibly BUSY from now till…the rest of my life! Haha, nah… probably till April 2010 BUT busy none the less. I’ve got a wedding to attend in December. Shit! This makes…
The S.O asked me a couple of weeks back if I wanted to attend the XBerry party at Republic, Sunway. Of course I said yes. 😀 And so, we got invited.
I’m trying to get into the habit of blogging with pictures, cos everyone knows that text-only blogs are usually a bore. 😛 Didn’t do much this lazy Sunday. Woke up around 10am, showered, and got ready to head out the…
Face it, I’m probably one of the most random person you’ll ever meet on the face of the planet. I tend to spew some incredibly random stuff during conversations, that some times others don’t even know what I’m talking bout.…
Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Anna who was eager to please.
Had fashion illustration class today with the “new” lecturer. It was alright. We drew lots of faces, eyes and lips. S.O says my drawings have been improving after showing him what I’ve done in class. *feels proud* On another note,…
Classes starts tomoro. 🙁 Not really looking forward to all the work. As much as I like making things and watching it take shape, I sometimes can’t bear to sew. Okay, maybe the sewing is fine, but I do not…
So, last Friday I was an usher for the Fashion Show organized by my college (PJCAD). The show showcased the designs of the fashion seniors and was held in Heritage Mansion. More photos after the jump. 🙂
I was wondering in the shower, whatever happened to the old me? The one who used to chat with everyone. The one who couldn’t sit still for a moment, constantly itching to get out of the house to meet up…